Deepika Padukone has been facing intense scrutiny on social media ever since she announced her pregnancy earlier this year. Fellow actress Alia Bhatt has now come out in strong support of the Pathaan star, reacting to the trolls shaming the mom-to-be. Deepika, who is expecting her first baby with actor-husband Ranveer Singh, faced harsh comments from netizens after stepping out to cast her vote in the fifth phase of the Mumbai Lok Sabha Election 2024. Some even accused her of faking her baby bump.
#Deepika Padukone
Alia Bhatt stands up for Deepika Padukone against trolls shaming her baby bump
Amid this ongoing trolling, senior journalist Faye D’Souza penned a powerful post on Instagram, defending Deepika. “Dear social media, Deepika Padukone stepped out to do her democratic duty and vote. She did not ask for your feedback on her body or her pregnancy. You have no right to comment on any aspect of her life. Stop it. Behave,” Faye wrote. The post quickly garnered support, with Alia Bhatt, her sisters Pooja and Shaheen Bhatt, and her mother Soni Razdan all liking the post.
The solidarity shown by Alia and other celebrities has resonated with many fans and fellow actors. Actress Shruti Seth commented, “Luckily @deepikapadukone is too busy taking over the world to give a damn! She’s walking all over their damn opinions.” Aahana Kumra added, “Good on you Faye.” TV star Tina Datta echoed the sentiment, stating, “Exactly! People have lost it.”
Deepika’s fans have praised Alia for her support, noting that Alia’s own experiences with social media hate might make her particularly empathetic. Many believe this show of support from Alia and others is crucial during such a personal time, emphasizing the importance of solidarity and understanding in the face of public scrutiny.