In March, Bollywood star Deepika Padukone was in Dubai to attend the first-ever TIME 100 Impact Awards. The event took place at the recently opened Museum of the Future wherein the star was awarded the accolade. Upon receiving her award, Deepika Padukone spoke about the moment when she told her parents that she was quitting her badminton career and venturing into acting.
She added, “It just felt a lot more wholesome because mental health is a huge aspect of my life, but it’s not the only aspect of my life. All the ups and downs I’ve been through in my career—the learnings, the mistakes, the successes—the award felt like a culmination of it. All those memories of asking myself questions at the age of 18, like, “How am I going to break into this industry? What is the journey going to be like? Who are the people I’m going to meet on this journey? Will I be successful? Will I enjoy my craft?” just came full circle when the award was placed in my hands.”
Deepika Padukone at TIME 100 Awards
Speaking at the event, Deepika Padukone shared that while “it was difficult to tell her parents that she was giving up a career as a badminton player at the age of 16, she more vividly remembers promising them that she’d make them proud”.
She continued: “Little did I imagine that 20 years hence, I’d be standing here this evening at the TIME100 Impact Awards. For all the times I’ve felt lost, confused, or disappointed, it is recognitions such as these that remind me that I am indeed on the right path, at least for the most part, and validate my whole belief of living a life that is driven by purpose, authenticity, and mindfulness.”