Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh are Bollywood’s favourite ‘it’ couple. The duo has always supported each other – be it their work or personal struggles. In a recent interview with Harper’s Bazaar India, Deepika Padukone opened up about how her husband, Ranveer Singh is her biggest cheerleader.
“Ranveer is definitely my cheerleader…but it’s not just on social media, it’s at home, too, like when I try my hand at gardening or cooking a meal.” Deepika Padukone added that Ranveer Singh was a ‘sensitive and emotional partner’. “Even when he meets my parents, he always tells them how proud he is of me. He pays attention to the little things, and that’s what I appreciate about him the most. My family is not as forthright as Ranveer but they always admire how he is able to express his emotions so generously.”
Ranveer Singh is Deepika Padukone’s biggest fan
Ranveer Singh has always cheered the loudest for his wife’s success. “I think because I have a cheerleader in him, I am able to make bolder choices. I feel the same, but I am less expressive,” she said. Adding, “He is someone who feels but is also able to articulate it. He is a tactile person, likes to hug and kiss. I and my family are very different. We feel a lot, we are extremely sensitive and emotional people, but often we find it hard to communicate or articulate how we feel.”
Speaking of her famous Ranveer Singh movies, Deepika Padukone shared a list of her husband’s work that she admires. “I would say Band Baaja Baraat. I have seen Lootera, Gully Boy, and all of his other films. We have worked together in three films, but there was a certain rawness and innocence in that performance that trumps all of the other films he has done. Gully Boy is an all-time favourite performance of his, but right now if I have to say, it would be Band Baaja Baraat,” she commented.