Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone has always been an avid advocate for mental health. Drawing narratives from her own experiences of depression, Deepika Padukone has often shared her ordeal with mental health.
In a recent interview with Allure, she shared, “Speaking out about my experience with mental illness and standing up for what I believe in, I think all of that happened around the same time. I remember just waking up feeling completely unmotivated, directionless…I didn’t want to face the world,” she said. “Life just felt meaningless.”
Deepika Padukone’s wellness journey
“I struggled and I suffered for many months because I didn’t know anyone who had been through something like this,” she added. “I felt like if I shared my experience and even just one person was like, ‘I identify with these symptoms,’ then my purpose would be served.”
And that’s just the start of what Deepika Padukone hopes to accomplish. “I think that focusing on the importance of mental health is what my calling is. It’s work that I will continue to do. And hopefully the foundation will survive even beyond me.”
The actor, though just 36, has been thinking about her legacy a lot lately. “You reach a stage in your life where you wake up thinking, What is it that I want to be remembered for? And what is it that I want to leave behind?”