Ranbir Kapoor and Deepika Padukone began their journey in the Hindi film industry on the very same day with Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Saawariya and Farah Khan’s Om Shanti Om respectively. One was partially adapted from the story White Nights whereas Farah Khan attempted to squeeze Manmohan Desai’s brand of filmmaking into her own vision of 70’s retro Bollywood.
The onscreen couple also dated at one point and made all the headlines. Now, the two are married to their own better halves. Ranbir Kapoor recently tied the knot with Alia Bhatt while Deepika Padukone is blissfully married to Ranveer Singh since 2018.
However, the couple has always been cordial towards each other. Ranbir Kapoor and Deepika Padukone have even worked together after their breakup and the actor has always sung praises for Deepika Padukone.
Now, during an interview with Brut India, Ranbir Kapoor spoke about a scene from the song Agar Tum Sath Ho from Tamasha. Sharing how the scene belonged to Deepika Padukone, Ranbir Kapoor said, “(It) was championed by Deepika’s performance. There are certain scenes that tilt towards an actor’s character, and the scene really had my character arch because he was churning, he was going through something.”
He added, “But I think the way Deepika performed it, what Deepika brought to the table, she made it come alive because you really felt pain. And because of that it was such a reactive scene. What I was doing, she was reacting, what she was doing, I was reacting.”
Ranbir Kapoor on Deepika Padukone
The actor also spoke about his equation with Deepika and said the two ‘always had such a good time working’. He said she had ‘grown so much as an actor’, and that he was ‘surprised’ by her growth, when they worked together on Tamasha.
“I’ve always had such a good time working with Deepika because we started off together. She’s grown so much as an actor, we did our second film together, called Bachna Ae Haseeno. And I worked with her again on Yeh Jawani hai Deewani. I don’t think I have ever been so surprised by an actor’s growth. Because I know Deepika so closely, I was so impressed. By the time we reached Tamasha, she was a veteran, you know, and she was surprising me with each shot, and everything she was doing,” Ranbir Kapoor said.