Earlier this week, fans of Deepika Padukone were thrilled to see the actress glowing with each passing day as she has been enjoying her motherhood journey. With the delivery due date nearing, Deepika along with Ranveer Singh decided to take off for a babymoon to spend some quality time and the couple seems to have chosen the England capital London as their special place to enjoy before the arrival of the little one.
Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone kick off their babymoon in London; first video out
Deepika Padukone makes an appearance with her baby bump
This week, Deepika Padukone attended the promotional event of her highly-anticipated sci-fi drama Kalki 2898 AD, along with the rest of the cast of the film which included Prabhas, Amitabh Bachchan, and Kamal Haasan along with others. The actress also shared a few photos from the monochrome shoot she did during the event in a pretty body-hugging black dress on social media.
Later, the actress was snapped by paparazzi making her way to the airport to take off for her babymoon with Ranveer Singh.
Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone announced their pregnancy in February
In a heartfelt joint post, the couple shared this exciting news and also revealed that their baby is due in September this year. They captioned the photo with a few emoticons including the evil-eye and folded hand emojis.