This year, Deepika Padukone is a part of the eight-member jury at the Cannes Film Festival. She also inaugurated the India Pavilion at Marche’ Du Film today, along with Union Minister for I&B, Youth Affairs & Sports, Anurag Thakur. From the Indian delegation, Shekhar Kapur, Prasoon Joshi, Ricky Kej, Tamannaah Bhatia, A R Rahman, Nawazuddin Siddiqui and others who have attended the launch of the Indian pavilion.
During the press conference, Deepika Padukone thanked eminent personalities including composer and singer AR Rahman who majorly contributed to putting India on the global map. The actress stated that it is just a ‘beginning’ for India, she also asserted that there’s a long way to go. She concluded by sharing her inspiring thought of a promising day when “India won’t be at Cannes, but Cannes will be in India.”
The actor has been serving looks after looks at the prestigious festival. Black seems to be her go-to colour as she previously chose a black suit that featured a pleated peplum jacket with a V neck. She teamed up the full sleeve jacket with a pair of black trousers.
Now, she has stunned in two black evening gowns and we are having a hard time picking out our favourites.
Deepika Padukone in Alex Perry
The actor kept a sultry look in a figure-hugging Alex Perry number. She opted for a red pout with a messy hairdo and soft eyes.
Deepika Padukone’s fringed number
For her second look, Deepika stunned in a sequined gown with a plunging back. She chose her signature smokey eye and a nude lip.
She coupled her look with a messy knot and diamond statement earrings! Deepika was a sight to behold!