Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt frequently find themselves under the microscope on social media, with some users tagging Ranbir as an “unsupportive husband.”
Gauahar Khan has defended fellow actor Ranbir Kapoor, who recently faced backlash for seemingly ignoring his wife and actor Alia Bhatt at the Raj Kapoor Film Festival in Mumbai.
Gauahar supports Ranbir
Gauahar feels that the criticism directed towards her Rocket Singh: Salesman of the Year co-star was unwarranted. She took to Instagram to express her thoughts on the matter.
She re-posted an Instagram Reel defending Ranbir, which is titled, ‘The Ranbir Kapoor they don’t post about’.
The video, which was posted on a fan page, sheds a different light on Ranbir’s behaviour at the event. The footage shows Ranbir displaying affectionate care towards his wife Alia Bhatt, as well as lending a helping hand to Randhir Kapoor, Kareena Kapoor Khan’s father. The video highlighted his compassionate and kind side.
Sharing the video, Gauahar wrote, “Seriously so unfair! I’m glad there are such posts that show how unfair certain posts are, that can unnecessarily put someone in a certain light. Ranbir is a gentleman!”
Her Insta story.
The caption of the video where it was posted originally read, “The side of Ranbir that social media doesn’t show, they cut a 2-sec clip out of context and run a whole lot of negative PR with it. Meanwhile, this is the reality. It’s crazy to me how easily people can be fooled.”
The video got a thumbs-up from Alia as well. The actor liked the post, subtly supporting the sentiment expressed.
About the couple
Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt face intense scrutiny on social media, with a section of users frequently criticising Ranbir’s behaviour and labelling him a “misogynist” and an “unsupportive husband”. In recent times, Ranbir was trolled after a video of Alia went viral talking about how he asked her to wipe off her lipstick. Ranbir was called toxic and misogynistic.
In an interview with Zoom, his sister Riddhima Kapoor Sahni reacted to the negative buzz. She said, “They adore each other. They’ve created the most beautiful ever child, Raha. She is so so adorable. They are amazing parents. So, I don’t think they really care about what people say”.