Fine jewellery brand Malabar Gold & Diamonds has partnered with Bollywood celebrity actress Alia Bhatt to launch ‘Solitaire One’ as a collection of natural diamond jewellery. Bhatt stars in a video campaign for the new line, positioning diamonds as a way to mark significant life moments.
The line features a range of diamond necklaces, rings, earrings, and bracelets featuring an array of cuts. The brand’s promotion of natural diamonds is in line with an industry wide push to elevate the Indian natural diamond industry for growth.
The brand’s ‘Solitaire One’ line promises guaranteed buyback on gold and diamond jewellery, complimentary insurance, 100% value on gold exchange, and 100% value on diamond exchange, according to its website. Aiming to promote natural diamonds, Malabar Gold & Diamonds ensures complete transparency, tested and certified diamonds, and 100% HUID compliant gold. The business also asserts that it pays its employees fair wages and sources its products in an environmentally responsible manner.