Bollywood’s star couple Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt were spotted at the Mumbai airport on Friday with their daughter Raha. The family jetted off for their New Year vacation. Alia was seen carrying her cute and adorable daughter Raha in her arms. However, it seems, netizens are falling in love with little Raha Kapoor and she has already become a star as she stole the spotlight with her cute gestures.
Raha Kapoor is already a star! Steals spotlight by blowing flying kisses to paps, watch
od’s star couple Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt were spotted at the Mumbai airport on Friday with their daughter Raha. The family jetted off for their New Year vacation. Alia was seen carrying her cute and adorable daughter Raha in her arms. However, it seems, netizens are falling in love with little Raha Kapoor and she has already become a star as she stole the spotlight with her cute gestures.
In the heartwarming video, Ranbir and Alia are seen near the verification counter. While RK is busy with document verification, Alia is standing close to him with Raha in her arms. As the paps screamed ‘bye Raha’, the star kid reacted spontaneously and responded with a cute gesture.
She delightfully waved her hand at the shutterbugs and said ‘bye’ adorably. Moreover, as they were about to enter, paps screamed ‘Love you Raha’ to which she replied back sending flying kisses. This cutest moment of the toddler elated the paps as well as Raha’s mother.
Though the paps called out to RK and wished him a Happy New Year the Animal actor seemed to be busy and didn’t respond back.
Well, the video has taken the internet by storm and netizens are in awe of her cute gestures.
While Raha was seen wearing a cosy white outfit with tiny red patterns, Alia was dressed in a chic white shirt and beige trousers. Meanwhile, Ranbir was seen donning a casual blue jacket and jeans.
RK’s mother Neetu Kapoor, Alia’s sister Shaheen Bhatt, and her mother Soni Razdan also joined them. The group was clicked while entering the airport together.