Anupamaa, starring Rupali Ganguly and Gaurav Khanna, hints at turmoil ahead of Anu and Anuj Kapadia’s second wedding. As Anu manages stress over tax issues and preparations, a fire sparked by children playing escalates tensions. Toshu conspires to sell Asha Bhavan. Will chaos disrupt the anticipated wedding?
Anu agreed to marry Anuj Kapadia. Rupali Ganguly and Gaurav Khanna play the aforementioned characters,
respectively. They are beloved as MaAn, and fans eagerly await their second wedding. However, it will not be as
simple as it may appear. In today’s episode, the producers hinted at Anu and Anuj Kapadia’s split once more. While
Anu’s life is already fraught with problems, fresh ones will exacerbate the situation.
In today’s episode of Anupamaa, Rupali Ganguly alias Anu expresses concern regarding Asha Bhavan.
Rajpal has warned her to pay the tax or vacate the home. Her mind is preoccupied with the thoughts of what will
happen if she is unable to pay the massive tax. Nandita and Indra advise her to focus on her forthcoming wedding
rather than Rajpal. Meanwhile, Kinjal is concerned that her daughter Pari isn’t paying attention in school. She
discusses this with Anupamaa, who advises her to focus on her life and daughter. Dimple is as angry as Ansh over
spending time with Aadhya. Toshu is causing trouble by conspiring with Rajpal. He has reached an agreement with
Anupamaa’s new precap shows Anu and Anuj preparing for their wedding. All necessary preparations are being
made. Anu is at home overseeing the preparations. Bala and the others are assisting her. Anuj (Gaurav Khanna)
appears to be away for work. They are talking on the phone, and Anu is happy to say that everything is ready except
for the groom. Aadhya (Aurra Bhatnagar) is playing alongside Ansh, Pari, Mahi, Ishani, and the rest. They are
playing in the havan-kund. Aadhya accidentally smashes a log, resulting there a big fire in the house. The children
are trapped inside the flames, yelling and screaming.
Madalsa Sharma on Quitting Anupamaa, Missing Kavya, Rift with Rupali Ganguly & Bigg Boss 18 Offer
Will this fire cause a serious mishap before Anu and Anuj’s wedding? The program is expected to take a turn, and
there have been tales of characters leaving Anupamaa. Is this how the Anupamaa program will move forward with the leap? Let’s wait and see.