Shah Rukh Khan took to X to celebrate one year of Jawan. In his tweet, SRK thanked the star cast, director, and the audience. Scroll down to read what he wrote.
On September 7 (Saturday), Shah Rukh Khan took to X to share a video of Jawan featuring various scenes from the 2023 film. From SRK entering the train with a wrapped head and Nayanthara arriving as a cop with her team to Deepika romancing King Khan and Vijay Sethupathi acing his antagonist role, the video has it all.
Shah Rukh accompanied it with a heartfelt note while praising the team behind Jawan. In his tweet, SRK expressed gratitude to Deepika Padukone, Nayanthara, Vijay Sethupathi, and Atlee and thanked the audience.
“The film that we made with a lot of heart…has turned one year ‘old’ today…or shall I say one year ‘Jawan’,” SRK tweeted. Acknowledging Atlee’s contribution, Shah Rukh mentioned that without the director’s “storytelling, skill, and vision, this film wouldn’t have been possible.”
The 58-year-old superstar tagged his co-stars and wrote, “Sending my love to the team that toiled away to make this film what it is,” “And thank you to the audiences for accepting our film with such love and happiness!” read an excerpt from the tweet.
Check out Shah Rukh Khan’s tweet here:
A few hours ago, Nayanthara also celebrated Jawan as the film completed one year of its release. The actress reshared the video originally posted by Red Chillies Entertainment on Instagram story. The post read, “1 year to a movie loaded with mass action, entertainment, and swag we’ll never get enough of.”
Nayanthara also dropped a still from Chaleya, the song from Jawan which featured herself with SRK. She wrote, “1 year of Jawan” followed by a red heart emoji and tagged Atlee.
Check out the screenshots of her posts here:
Co-produced by Gauri Khan, Jawan hit the screens on September 7, 2023. The film also featured Sanya Malhotra, Priyamani, Sunil Grover, and Riddhi Dogra in crucial roles.