Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh, expecting their first child, recently shared a maternity photoshoot online. Fans noticed subtle hints of her pregnancy since January. The couple plans to teach their children values of humility and staying grounded. They made their first public appearance post-announcement on February 29 at Mumbai airport.
Deepika and Ranveer, who are expecting their first child, recently charmed the internet with their maternity photoshoot. Fans showered love on Deepika, especially for proudly showing off her baby bump. The couple, who tied the knot five years ago, revealed their pregnancy news in February and are set to welcome their baby in September this year.
As the news spread online, many fans realized that Deepika had been subtly hinting at her pregnancy since January.
In an interview last month, she opened up about embracing motherhood and shared the values she hopes to pass on to her children.
In an old conversation with Vogue Singapore, Deepika expressed her desire to raise her kids with a strong sense of staying grounded. She mentioned how her family and old friends often tell her she hasn’t changed, despite her fame. Deepika emphasized that no one should let success or wealth distance them from their loved ones. Both she and Ranveer aim to teach their children these same values.
The ‘Padmaavat’ actress highlighted the importance of staying grounded despite fame and success. She shared that at home, she is seen as a daughter and sister rather than a celebrity, and she values this connection. Deepika expressed her and Ranveer Singh’s desire to pass these same values of humility and staying rooted to their children. ‘My family keeps me grounded, and Ranveer and I hope to instill the same values in our children,’ she stated.
The couple made their first public appearance after the pregnancy announcement on February 29, spotted twinning in white at the Mumbai airport as they headed to Jamnagar for the pre-wedding celebrations of Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant.